How useful/effective are online self-assessment tests?

                           How useful/effective are online self-assessment tests?

Self-assessment tests are helpful tools for learning more about you, such as your interests, values and skills. The tests also include a list of possible careers for your personality type, based on aspects of you that match aspects of these jobs. Assessment tests can’t determine the best career for you but you can use the suggestions as a guide in your job search.he decision on what road to take as you map out your career is often a difficult one and one which requires through self-analysis and much research. Self-assessment tests are a useful tool to explore as you stand at the career cross-roads as they can shed light on your personality, skills, strengths and motivations and help you find some focus and direction. While no single test will provide you with the definitive answer on who you are and what career to pursue, they are well worth exploring as part of a general self-analysis and as a means to fine-tune your career planning activities, highlight strengths and identify weaker areas that could use development.
The advantages of taking tests 
  1. A quick, easy and reasonably accurate way to gauge your skills, interests, values, motivations and/or personality as a foundation for planning a career move or making career change choices.
  2. Tests can highlight areas of strength and weakness to aid you in your career choice as well as in your performance enhancement activities on the job.
  3. Many tests are totally free and most are available on-line with comprehensive results often ready almost immediately.
  4. A great way to explore career avenues you may not previously have considered and identify personality traits in yourself you may not have thought of before.


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