How useful/effective are online self-assessment tests?
How useful/effective are online self-assessment tests?

The advantages of taking tests
- A quick, easy and reasonably accurate way to gauge your skills, interests, values, motivations and/or personality as a foundation for planning a career move or making career change choices.
- Tests can highlight areas of strength and weakness to aid you in your career choice as well as in your performance enhancement activities on the job.
- Many tests are totally free and most are available on-line with comprehensive results often ready almost immediately.
- A great way to explore career avenues you may not previously have considered and identify personality traits in yourself you may not have thought of before.
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ОтветитьУдалитьVery nice!
ОтветитьУдалитьYes, you are right😊
ОтветитьУдалитьhope it will help me in the near future