
Pros and cons of different social media applications

Social media has changed the way we communicate, do business, get our daily news fix and so much more. But is it really all it's cracked up to be? That depends on who you talk to and how you're using it. A site like Facebook could serve as an opportunistic launching pad for a new business owner, or it could be an inescapable source of negative peer pressure for a young teen. There are pros and cons to everything in life — and that includes our social networking habits. Here are some of the major pros and cons that most people are familiar with. As you go through them, ask yourself how you can take more advantage of the pros while minimizing the cons whenever you decide to check out your favorite social networks. Pros of Social Networking: Ability to connect to other people all over the world Easy and instant communication Real-time news and information discovery Great opportunities for business owners General fun and enjoyment Cons of Soci

Wrap-up: Outcomes of the course

                                                    Wrap-up: Outcomes of the course   Before starting ICT course I thought that this course was very tedious and dispensable.But after starting it I realized that we should use modern approaches and tools of ICT to develop better understanding and acquisition of basic skills of English among the students. Using ICT tools and applications such as computers, head projectors, Internet, social media, online language related courses made our courses convenient and attractive. Now when the course has ended I can say that ICT is playing the most important and pivotal role in the learning of language. It is essential for both teachers and students to be familiar with modern ICT tools and use it properly to achieve the aims of English learning and teaching. During the course I encountered many problems but the most serious of them was to create e-Portfolio. As I have never created a resume before, it was really difficult to plan, crea

How useful/effective are online self-assessment tests?

                           How useful/effective are online self-assessment tests? Self-assessment tests are helpful tools for learning more about you, such as your interests, values and skills. The tests also include a list of possible careers for your personality type, based on aspects of you that match aspects of these jobs. Assessment tests can’t determine the best career for you but you can use the suggestions as a guide in your job search. he decision on what road to take as you map out your career is often a difficult one and one which requires through self-analysis and much research.  Self-assessment tests  are a useful tool to explore as you stand at the career cross-roads as they can shed light on your personality, skills, strengths and motivations and help you find some focus and direction. While no single test will provide you with the definitive answer on who you are and what career to pursue, they are well worth exploring as part of a general self-analysis and as

The best project/presentation I made

                                              The best project/presentation I made More and more  groups of sstudents are now learning, creating, reading, and testing online. In order to keep up with our technologically demanding lifestyles, the traditional classroom is making way for such innovative tools as wiki. Not only is this an inexpensive way to manage your classroom, it’s also a fun way to engage students in content across the curriculum. A month ago  we were given a task to make our own book with a help of  program WIKIspaces. As it was a team work we decided to assign our responsibilities among our team members. Our team consisted of Nozima, Tumaris and me. At first it was difficult for us to work with this project but did our best to complete this task. This program allowed us  to contribute to or edit book`s content. Meaning “quick” in the Hawaiian language, wiki is a creative and open environment where everyone has a voice. The significance of wiki lies in the

My test taking strategies

                                                            My test taking strategies In general, testing is finding out how well something works. In terms of human beings, testing tells what level of knowledge or skill has been acquired. In computer hardware and software development, testing is used at key checkpoints in the overall process to determine whether objectives are being met. Every people has own test taking strategies. From my personal experience, I've learned that test-taking can be easier with a few simple tips. First, always study in a quiet environment that is well lit. Studying should begin at least ten days in advance. Give yourself manageable sections to study each day. This way, it will not be overwhelming. Know ahead of time exactly what to study for. The professors often give ideas as to what the test will be like. Take advantage of this. Quiz yourself on the material you studied, without using your books or notes. Doing this will give you an idea of h

Critical analysis of online language learning resources

Critical analysis of online language learning resources Language is a key part of any family, community, culture and the human race. The ability to speak, read, write and understand more than one language is also remarkable and expands the liberties in life, especially for young people. The ability to speak, read, write and understand more than one language is also remarkable and expands the liberties in life, especially for young people. Nowadays there are a lot of online language learning resources. The most popular of them is DUOLINGO. One of the most popular and well-known tools for learning a language online is Duolingo. Duolingo is completely free. Here are a few things that I really feel Duolingo is good at and that helped me in my language learning adventures. Duolingo is not a stand-alone language course, but it’s an excellent addition to a language learner’s toolbox. It’s easy to use, it’s fun and it works. Don’t forget to do the homework, though. If your aim is to a

My computer skills: strengths and weaknesses

             My computer skills: strengths and weaknesses In my opinion, computer skill is the most important skill a person should learn. Computer skills such as operating a word processing software or typing are convenient and efficient for my classes in UzSWLU. For example, I am writing this essay by using a computer. If I do not have computer skill, I can not make a composition as quickly as possible; maybe I can only write on paper. Another vivid example is that many universities is offering online classes for student to choose, which means the students can study in the comfort of their homes and acquire their knowledge by means of using computer at home. Secondly, computers is an important tool for teaching and communicating between teachers and students. Recently, school teachers have an increasingly demand on students to turning in their papers or school works, and the teachers can score on line. If the teacher has a assignment, they just send an e-mail to the students.